Jazz Voicings for Piano Part 1 - The Complete Linear Approach


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    Interne Referenz: 314274
    Besetzung: Klav
    Gattung: Tasteninstrumente
    Komponist: TEREFENKO Dariusz
    Verlag: Advance Music
    Verlagsnummer: ADV9046
    ISBN: 9783954810482
    ISMN: 9790206300615
    DOB_Sparte: Klavier Schulen Modern
    Genre: Jazz
    Ausgabeformat: A4

    Jazz Voicings - The Complete Linear Approach is designed for jazz pianists seeking to broaden their knowledge of jazz harmony and to cultivate practical skills for mastering the harmonic progressions found in standard tunes and jazz instrumentals. Created for amateur or professional jazz pianists, this path takes you step-by-step through all essential aspects of the linear approach. #-# #-# Part 1: The “Drop-Two” Harmonic Technique begins with the simple process of dropping the second note from a close position chord down an octave to create an open position voicing. Making an analogy between language and music, natural languages contain a lexicon of words that allow people to communicate their thoughts and feelings to others, music (jazz) harmony contains a lexicon of chords that allow jazz musicians to communicate. Part 1 defines these rules and clearly explains how with a distinctive approach to voice leading, dissonances treatment, and counterpoint, which are logical extensions of the syntax of jazz harmony. The chapters are: “Four-Part Chords,” “Inverted Chords,” “Five-Part Chords,” “Rootless Chords,” and finishing with “Six-Part Chords” and “Incomplete Chords.” The concluding Exercise Section contains carefully-designed harmonic drills that utilize and complement the content of each chapter in unique and interesting ways.