Ein feste Burg (A mighty fortress is our god)
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Abide with me
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Adoro the devote
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All hail the power of Jesus' name
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Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
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Amazing Grace
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Blessed assurance
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Blest be the tie that binds
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From all that dwell below the skies
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Break thou the bread of life
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Come, come ye saints
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Come, holy ghost
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Come, thou almighty king
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Come, ye thankful people, come
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Crown him with many crowns
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Dear lord and father of mankind
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Eternal father, strong to save
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Fairest lord Jesus
Richard S. Willis
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Faith of our fathers
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For all the Saints
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For the beauty of the earth
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Kaiserhymne (Glorious things of thee are spoken)
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God moves in a mysterious way
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Hear thy children, gentle Jesus
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God of our fathers, whose almighty hand
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God, that madest earth and heaven
L. O. Emerson
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God the omnipotent!
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Guide me, o thou great Jehovah
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Hark, hark my soul!
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He leadeth me, o blessed thought!
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He would valiant be
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Holy god, we praise thy name (Großer Gott, wir loben dich)
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Holy, holy, holy, lord god almighty
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Immaculate Mary
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Christ there is no east or west
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Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult
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Jerusalem the golden
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Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
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Joyful, joyful, we adore thee
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Lead, kindly light
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Lead on, o king eternal
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Let all mortal flesh keep silence
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Love divine, al loves excelling
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Mine eyes have seen the glory
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Now the day is over
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My country, 'tis of thee
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My faith looks up to thee
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Nearer my god, to thee (Näher mein Gott zu dir)
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Now thank we all our god (Nun danket alle Gott)
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O beautiful for spacious skies
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O for a thousand tongues to sing
Lowell Mason
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O god, our help in ages past
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O love that wilt not let me go
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O, master, let me walk with thee
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Once to every man and nation
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Onward Christian Soldiers!
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There's a wideness in God's mercy
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O perfect love
Joseph Barnby
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O salutaris hostia
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O Sanctissima (O du fröhliche)
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O what their joy and their glory must be
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O worship the king
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Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
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Rejoice, ye pure in heart
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Rock of ages, cleft for me
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Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
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Sweet hour of prayer!
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Tantum ergo sacramentum
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The church's one foundation
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The god of Abraham praise
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There is a happy land
Leonard P. Breedlove
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This is my father's world
Franklin L. Sheppard
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'Tis the gift to be simple
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We gather together
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When morning gilds the skies
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Ye wathers and ye holy ones
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Creator of the stars of night
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O come, o come, Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel)
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Angels we have heard on high (Gloria)
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Hark, the harald angels sing
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Joy to the world
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O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles)
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O holy night
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Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
Joseph Mohr
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The first nowell
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What child is this? (Greensleves)
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At the cross her station keeping (Stabat mater dolorosa)
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Beneath the cross of Jesus
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O Sacred head, now wounded (O Haupt, voll Blut und Wunden)
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Were you there when they crucified my lord?
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When I survey the wondrous cross
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All Glory, laud, and honor
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Hosanna, loud Hosanna
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Christ the lord is risen today
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Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
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O sons and daughters, let us sing!
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The strife is o'er
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