The Doblinger
Since 1817 in Vienna
„Du holde Kunst ...“
In 1817, Franz Schubert wrote his immortal song "To Music." When, in the same year, Friedrich Mainzer founded a music lending library on the corner of Dorotheergasse and Stallburggasse, which was later expanded to include a sales department, he probably never dreamed that this would mark the beginning of a company history that now spans more than 200 years and is dedicated to the "fine arts: With the takeover by Ludwig Doblinger in 1857 at the latest, the business developed into one of the top addresses in the music trade, not only in Vienna, the city of music, but far beyond.

1817: Founding of a music store, which is soon expanded to include an antiquarian bookshop.
1857: Ludwig Doblinger buys the business and relocates several times.
1873: The store finally moves to Dorotheergasse 10.
1876: Bernhard Herzmansky buys the music shop. He builds up a sheet music assortment and founds a music publishing company. He takes over the now well-established company name.

„Der Doblinger“ became synonymous with the industry - a development that Bernhard Herzmansky Senior, who took over the music house in 1876 and at the same time founded the Doblinger music publishing house, and his descendants have also managed to carry forward over all political and economic hurdles to this day. Today, the digital age is also bringing far-reaching changes to the world of music. The Doblinger team knows how to use this challenge as an international opportunity but continues to see the traditional form of printed music as the main medium for learning an instrument and making music.
Das Musikhaus Doblinger ist somit seit über 200 Jahren in der Musikstadt Wien ansässig. "Der Doblinger" ist national wie auch international in der Musikwelt bekannt. Das musikhistorisch bedeutende Ladengeschäft in der Dorotheergasse 10, im Zentrum von Wien, überzeugt mit klassisch-modernem Ambiente.
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