Which instrument suits you the best

Which instrument suits you the best
Choosing a music instrument can be hard as there are so many wonderful instruments! Often you have two or three favorites but cannot decide and it is difficult to learn all at once. In this blog post we want to help you to make the "right" decision by aksing a few questions that will help you making your choice.
1) Spontaneity
Is there an instrument you immediately think of or have always wanted to play? If so, then you have your answer even if you tell yourself "it is too difficult" or "I'm already too old for that". Learning the instrument of your dreams is neither too difficult nor you're too old. Do yourself a favor and just do it!
2) Audio
Which music instrument inspires you? Which genre do you like the most? If you cannot think of one spontaneously, just pay attention to the music while listening. Often it is obvious if you take a closer look.
3) Body
The next important thing is how you want your body to parcitipate. Do you want your hand to press keys or grab strings? This choise is easy to make: if you do not feel comfortable with short-cut fingernails, you should not play a stringed instrument. If you want to get your feet involved, the piano is perfect for you. Heavy wind instruments are perfect for you if you do not mind having something big and heavy around your neck. The choice of whether you want to sit or stand is important too.
4) Singing
If you want to sing alongside an instrument, keyboard instruments like guitar, keyboard or piano are perfect. Any kind of wind instrument is less suitable since you cannot express your singing.
5) Music genre
Whether you choose a big band, classical orchestra or rock band already implies the choice of instruments. For example, saxophone is an option for those who like jazz. So, choose your instrument based on the style of music you like (the most)!
6) Mobility
Depending on how mobile you want to be with your instrument is essential for the right choice. If you want to be able to play whereever you want without help to move your instrument, the guitar is your instrument! large instruments like the piano or harp are more difficult to transport. The advantage of those is that you often only have to bring sheet music with you since the instrument is already there.
7) Effort
Stellen Sie sich die Frage, wie viel Zeit und Geduld Sie in das Lernen eines Instruments investieren möchten. Zwar hat jedes Musikinstrument seine Schwierigkeiten, allerdings/ ist der Einstieg bei manchen einfacher als bei anderen. Die Blockflöte ist schnell gelernt, im Gegensatz zum Klavier. Bei jenem ist ein hohes Maß an Koordination gefragt.
8) Budget
Every music instrument costs money but depending on the instrument you can minimize the acquisition costs. The recorder is cheap while a violin is more expensive.
Honestly answer these questions for yourself and visit an "open day" at a music school where you can try different instruments too. Trial lessons are also a great way to find "your" instrument. Write your answers in a notepad to have an clear overview. If you are interested in a specific instrument, we have a lot of informative books in our assortment. Of course you can also visit us at Dorotheergasse 10 where we would be happy to advise you personally!